I Love Stationery!

I was going to wait to post about my involvement until I received my own copy of the new book I Love Stationery by Charlotte Rivers; but yesterday the book was featured on The Guardian website, including my Goblin Market poem inspired Moleskine journal. I’ll post properly about the I Love Stationery book when it’s in my hands – I have seen a copy, and it’s lush.

Here’s a screenshot from The Guardian feature Worth its weight in paper: I love stationery, yesterday:Image

Also featured in the article are illustrators Gemma Correll and Thereza Rowe, whose work I adore.


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2 responses to “I Love Stationery!

  1. A friend forwarded that guardian article to me and I remember seeing your work and thinking dang wish I’d thought of that. And then you picked one of my items in a stationery treasury and when I go to check out your blog look what I see. I like when the world works in circles!! Vanessa

  2. That’s so awesome, Heidi! Congratulations!!! 🙂

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