Tag Archives: holes

Moon drawings, journals, and handwritten Haiku

As the nights grow longer and the atmosphere has that familiar autumnal ambience, I notice the moon more.  This is the best season.  Then again, I say that about every season because each has those beautiful changes in nature that one can observe and admire (with a cup of chai tea mmm.)  Do you feel the nostalgia of autumn?

The moon is unhinged
From its pivot. Thoughts hang slack;
With immense longing.

As some are aware I’ve been suffering with creative block for months now, but hooraaah; this change of season, and personal circumstances appear to have me drawing at any given opportunity.  I’m talking dormant volcano of creativity and ideas erupting here!  (Though please don’t run away from the metaphorical lava, it won’t burn ya.)

Anyway, my point .  The moon!  Henceforth some lunar-inspired little artworks from the past week.  These are special to me;  the ravine through the solid ice of creative block. (Yes, love being over-dramatic, thx.)

Check my Etsy shop listings if you’re interested in adopting one 🙂

ACEO original moon pencil drawing

ACEO original moon pencil drawing

Each ACEO comes with an original hand-written Haiku poem on paper, folded into an origami paper star.  I enjoy writing these little poems.

The moon surrounded
With blinking little urchins;
Uniformly so.

Paper poetry star illustrating Haiku 'Thoughts Hang Slack' by Heidi Burton

ACEO original moon pencil drawing

ACEO original moon pencil drawing

Original moon pencil drawing with holes - constellation silhouette

I altered some Moleskine cahier journals too.  Here’s one of them.  More to show soon once the photos are taken.

Altered Moleskine cahier cover - Full Moon

Moleskine cahier detail drawing - Full Moon

Moleskine cahier hand-stitched star constellation - Full Moon

Altered Moleskine cahier - Full Moon

Also, on topic, I love this song: ‘The Moon‘ by The Swell Season.  Isn’t it beautiful?


Filed under Illustrations, Journals, News, Traditional